How to Stay Committed to Your Workout Routine

When it comes to workout routines, a lot of people end up stuck in an endless cycle: they’re motivated, they workout, and then they lose steam. A few weeks or months pass and the motivation kicks in again, but sooner or later, keeping up with their fitness regimen starts to become a struggle. They wonder what’s wrong with themselves—why can’t they just get it together? Why is it so easy for other people? If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Here are some of our best tips on how to stay motivated to workout.

Build In Accountability

If you could get paid without ever showing up to your job, would you still go into the office everyday? Probably not! Luckily (or unluckily, depending on your perspective), there’s built-in accountability with most jobs—if you don’t show up, you don’t get paid. 

Exercise doesn’t work that way, and it’s why a lot of people struggle to keep up with it. There’s no one watching to make sure you show up to the gym; while there are consequences for not working out, they’re not as immediate as not getting a paycheck. For many people who struggle with motivation, building in some kind of accountability really helps.

One way to do this? Hire a personal trainer. Our job is to keep you accountable. While it’s easy to drive past the gym after work and promise yourself you’ll go tomorrow, it’s a lot harder to pick up the phone and cancel with your trainer. When you’re not keeping up with your routines at home, we can tell—and even the simple act of paying someone to train you can be motivation to get a return on your investment. We offer personal training in Evanston and throughout the North Shore.

Find Your Why

Why are you working out? To be healthier for your kids? To be able to run a marathon next year? To look better in your favorite pair of skinny jeans? It doesn’t matter what the reason is, you just need to have one. Write it down. Put it where you see it. Then, remember it whenever you want to skip a workout.

It can also help to visualize what your life will be like when you’re fitter. Write down what you’ll feel like and how things will be different. Remember that it will be a journey to get to that destination and every single day counts.

Learn to Love Working Out

We see many adults who still hold onto bad memories from high school gym class—they tell themselves that they don’t like working out, that they’re not good at it, that it’s just not for them. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and while you might be able to skate through your 20s on this belief, once you get older, you realize that you need to take care of your body. You know this, but it’s hard because you’ve taught yourself that working out is something to dread.

It’s time to reframe how you think about working out. Consider it your “you time”—a time when you focus on yourself and take care of your health. Next, find a workout that you enjoy doing. We firmly believe that there is something out there for everyone and we can help you find it. Hate cardio? Let’s start with pilates or weight training. Get bored easily? HIIT might be just what you need. 

Reward Yourself

Don’t reward yourself for hitting certain numbers on the scale or being able to lift a predetermined number of pounds—going back to the journey metaphor, you want to reward yourself for the steps you take, not for arriving at a specific destination. Being goal-oriented is great, but we’ve found that when people don’t meet those measurable goals—weight loss, running a mile in a certain amount of time, whatever it may be—they become discouraged and lose motivation.

Instead, reward yourself for keeping up with your workouts and eating right. You have more direct control over this than the number on the scale or the pounds you lift. Buy yourself some new fitness gear or treat yourself to a splurge at your favorite store.

Schedule a Session With Home Park Fitness

Home Park Fitness offers personal training at your home, gym, or wherever you want to workout. Schedule an appointment today or call 224-406-1986 to learn more about our services.

Home Park Fitness
610 Davis St Floor 2
Evanston, IL 60201
‪(224) 406-1986‬